The Draining Museum through “Il Filo dell’Acqua” is dedicated to narration rather than exhibition, to the image rather than to the “pieces” and yet the story told by the flashes unfolds in the most disparate paths, from the quotations of Greek historians and Latin, to the images of what was the Fucino, to the pleas of the desperate inhabitants for the disasters that the lake caused, to the great (sometimes imaginative) projects of the engineers of the time, to the bonus for the magnificent work completed, to the environmental and economic situation completely modified.  The drying up involved a radical environmental transformation, arousing the interest of engineers, technicians, scholars and writers from all over the world. The testimony of Alexandre Dumas, who in 1863 wrote “La Marsica and Il Fucino” sums up the amazement of those who came into contact with this enterprise: “Prince Alessandro Torlonia finished a work conceived by Cesare, believed impossible by Augustus, attempted by Claudius, unsuccessfully taken up by Hadrian and Trajan and who over the course of seventeen centuries had frustrated the efforts of Frederick of Swabia, Alfonso I of Aragon, the contestabile  Colonna and Ferdinand IV. You see well that it was worth deviating a few miles the way to admire a work that antiquity, if he could how to do it, would have called the eighth wonder of the world. ”